Friday 1 January 2016


A very happy New Year, folks.

I usually don’t set any resolutions for myself, but this year, I hope to spend a little more time outside the house. I can’t remember the last time I saw a sunrise or sunset. I’ve been busy not with projects of my own, but with random shit like cleaning and doing the dishes and working on my masters research. To be fair though, compared to 2014, I wrote more poems and stuff on my tumblr, I listened to more music –full albums as compared to random tracks here and there- whether old or new and surprisingly, actually took some photographs of myself. I tended to avoid cameras…but when I’m old and I probably won’t remember what I looked like when I was 23, I will be so grateful. I mean, this is what cameras are for, right? Recording moments? I’ll want to remember more than the cats I met, yeah.

Anyway, here's some good stuff to start the new year with.

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2017, 2017

Yo fellow humans, how you doin'.  It's been a year since I updated this blog last... I guess I haven't really accomplishe...